I’ve written about a very special friend of mine before. However, there’s more to share.

I do believe in the popular quote by Brian A. “Drew” Chalker, “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” While we never really know how long someone is meant to stay, sometimes you kind of know it’s for more than a reason or a season.
Part of this comes from the way people look at things. Open-minded people who are willing to see others’ perspectives, even if they still disagree, are more likely to do the work to make a relationship last.

This friend taught me how to receive many years ago. But what I didn’t share is that she has taught me so much more. She also taught me resiliency and acceptance. This girl doesn’t even know the many ways that she’s saved me (usually from myself). Hell, I don’t even know all the ways.
Britt has been there for me in ways I never imagined were actually real. She has listened to me, seen me, and heard me at the worst of times, but also been straight forward and told me when she thought I was wrong. She’s blunt, but she’s also strong. We celebrate each other and support each other more than anyone else ever could.

We’ve been through things that would break most relationships – from a business partnership to a near-death experience. I basically watched her fight her way back from the brink of death to become a wildly stronger woman. The mental, emotional, and physical toll that took is unimaginable.
The bond we share came from an equal interest in working towards a healthy relationship. I know she’ll be there, and I sure hope she knows I will be too. We’ve both had to face some hard truths about ourselves, each other, and everything else around us to get where we are.

We typically know what each other will say, or what the other is thinking even if words aren’t being said. But when we disagree, we listen to each other. Sometimes we have to respectfully agree to disagree.
There have been a couple of points during our friendship that things got incredibly tense. We always chose each other though. We talked, listened, cried (mostly me), huffed, puffed, or whatever we needed to do. But we were there.
After so many painful relationships fizzled out or I realized I was being used, I was skeptical that a friendship like ours was realistic. Now I know it’s more than realistic if both people choose it. The loyalty that I have for others has been returned to me by her.

Perhaps it’s ironic, or perhaps it’s just meant to be…but today I’m celebrating you, Britt. Even more than feeling compelled to write this, it’s actually your birthday! So, happy 420 months of life. (I know the months annoy you, so know that I typed this with love.)
Thank you for always showing up as yourself. For teaching me that it’s really okay to do the same. You’re one of the strongest people I know, and I will forever be grateful that our paths crossed. I truly can’t imagine my life without you.
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