I know I put my socks on the chair so I could easily finish getting dressed as I walked out the door. My socks weren’t on the chair anymore. I looked under my backpack, hoody, on the floor, and all around.
My socks must have grown feet and run off. I started retracing my footsteps trying to figure out where my socks ran off to. As I was walking around, checking the bed, the floor, under the bed, the bathroom sink, my sock drawer, my desk, and everywhere in between; I found myself talking out loud.

“If I was a pair of socks, where would I be? I put them on the chair. I guess they didn’t want to be there. Where would I be if I were my cute socks? Socks are important. They keep your feet warm. They help prevent stinky shoes. They are cute. They help me complete my outfits. Socks are vital.”
Yes, I literally said all of this as I paced my space trying to find this pair of grey socks. Why not grab another pair of socks? Because I was heading out the door to go to the airport to keep my mom company as my stepfather is in the hospital and they can’t see each other.
I was already dressed. I didn’t have time to change my clothes. I decided to look in my sock drawer for another pair that would match my outfit. Yes. My socks have to match what I’m wearing. Not exactly, but they can’t clash.
I was wearing all black with a 49ers hoody, so only black, dark grey, red, and gold would work. In my sock drawer, I found pink, turquoise, orange, yellow, green, white, and blue socks. Absolutely no red, black, or dark grey socks in my drawer.

My ride had already been outside for a few minutes waiting. Now I couldn’t find socks. Socks are good. They are important. Where would I be if I were socks?
I frantically came out of my closet and started thinking about grabbing my chargers to shove them in my bag. Guess what? I found my socks. They were on the floor, sticking out from under the throw blanket that’s draped across my chair.
I quickly put my socks on, zipped up my bag, put my shoes on, and ran out the door. I didn’t want to be late to the airport.
I’m not typically that stressed out when I’m getting ready to go somewhere. For some reason, I was highly stressed in the few minutes before leaving. And it was all because of my socks. (That sounds good, doesn’t it? Maybe it sounds crazy.)
Just to give you a little bit of insight, I kind of have a thing for socks. I know, it’s weird. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me explain.

Socks are one of those simple, mostly inexpensive things that we often take for granted. In my twenties, the priority was getting the things the kids needed and wanted, and giving their father what he needed and wanted. Guess who never seemed to get the little things because there were always more pressing matters? That’s right, me.
When things shifted in my life, socks were a big deal for me. At one point, I wore my ex’s socks because I didn’t have any (after throwing away the ones that were worn down and holey). So buying myself cute socks became a guilty pleasure and luxury for me. Now, it’s almost an addiction.
Do you have anything small that is completely satisfying and simple, but brings you a tremendous amount of joy?
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