It’s been a while since I’ve been able to spend Christmas Day with my mom, my boys, my brother, and my nephew. Due to crazy work schedules and life not lining up quite right, we just got together at other times.
This year has been quite a ride for most of us. There has been a lot of loss, worry, fear, unknown, and more. Somehow, one thing that definitely lined up right was my family being able to be together. This likely won’t happen again for quite some time, as my oldest will be stationed who knows where next year.
Without a discussion, we somehow all made it a priority to be together this year. We were excited as we selected gifts for each other and couldn’t wait to see each other and give to each other.
Don’t get me wrong, the gifts are actually the least important part of the entire experience. Giving to each other was amazing when the thought behind each gift was considered.
We all mingled and shopped and wrapped and cooked and ate together in different combinations, which has allowed us to truly spend quality time with each other.
We had cousins come over and bring their children. My brother and I haven’t been together with these two cousins at the same time in several years, despite growing up together like siblings. There was no drama in any of it. We just simply enjoyed each other’s company.
My brother shared that he asked my eleven-year-old nephew to make his wish list a while back and my nephew didn’t want to. He listed one thing and said he was done. My brother told him he needed at least ten things because people would want to get him gifts and he didn’t want to clutter up the house with things my nephew wouldn’t enjoy playing with.
My nephew said, “But, Dad, I don’t want to be greedy. One gift is enough.”
This touched my heart. As adults, we usually get it. Kids are usually so happy thinking about all of the things they’d like to have that they don’t always think like that.
My oldest son said it was easy this year because me and my mom both asked for the same thing. Time. All we really care about at this point is spending the time together. Just be present. Let’s talk, joke, reminisce, and simply enjoy being with each other.
With all of that being said, we did have tons of gifts under the tree. Or, more accurately, all around the tree. We had to rearrange my brother’s house last night to accommodate the ten adults, one teenager, one pre-teen, and three kids that would be here this morning, in addition to several gifts for each person.
As excited and grateful as we all were for the gifts we unwrapped, just being together was the best part. Watching my daughter-in-law tear up when she opened the collages of their wedding pictures that my mother put together was sweet beyond words.
My younger son’s favorite gift was a beanie. My nephew is in love with a used Pokemon game. The actual gifts or money spent wasn’t really a factor.
I know that many people are struggling financially. Our entire world is different than it has ever been. For me, this has furthered my belief that our earthly lives are short, and it’s up to us to make the best of them, no matter what occurs around us.
Instead of focusing on the loss, hardship, and heartache of the year, today I’m choosing to focus on my present. I am okay right now. I am surrounded by people who I love and who love me. My heart is full.
I can tell you that I got everything I wanted this Christmas. I was able to spend some quality time with my family and closest friends. All I want going forward is more of that. I hope that you have everything you truly want and need right now, as well.
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