Is anyone familiar with that song? For whatever reason, I loved it and thought about it when I went to get some work done a few weeks ago. It has been a year since I was able to add to my body art. After two cancelled appointments due to world issues, I was more than excited.
My right upper arm is on its way to turning into a half-sleeve, or whatever you want to label it as. My samurai was started last year, on my fortieth birthday. This year, I was able to add some detail and background.
I already have my next two sessions scheduled, to add a geisha and finish the background. Like the rest of my tattoos, there is a deeper meaning than just thinking it looks cool or pretty.
The samurai represents wisdom by learning from others, as well as the hard-fought battles one personally goes through, both inward and out. I have much to learn and don’t see myself halting the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, however I can (and do) celebrate my growth and lessons learned from experience at this point in my life.
He is worn and scarred, yet optimistic and yearning for more. He is patient and wise, both characteristics that I aspire to add to in my life. He sees the big picture and thinks deeply about himself and his world, yet he acts swiftly when needed. He is strong, a leader, confidant, warrior, and capable of so much, yet he chooses peace and enjoys solitude whenever possible. Again, these are things I desire to add to within myself.
The geisha, on the other hand, represents femininity, beauty, wisdom, restraint, resilience, sacrifice, and a quiet strength. The two have a deep love and appreciation for each other, though they either will not or cannot be together, for whatever reason.
It’s something like a tragic love story, though both are strong and committed to making their communities and worlds a better place. I realize I am romanticizing something that may not have actually been that way, but this is what they represent to me and how it plays out in my mind.
Both demand respect in their own rights, and respect others. There is so much that goes into all of this for me. The cherry blossoms from my back piece carry over down my arm as a part of the background for the pair. Those have their own meaning.
I find cherry blossoms to be incredibly beautiful, however their blooms are short lived. This is a constant reminder to me that life is beautiful, but short in its cycles. Even if we live one hundred years in this life, that is not long enough to explore and enjoy every inch of the earth or all she has to offer us.
It is also a reminder that when things seem bleak and hopeless, life will bloom again in all of its beauty. Without the bare branches, we wouldn’t take the time to truly appreciate the depth of the beauty of the scents, colors, and wanders of the blooms.
If you’re feeling the dark and bleak part of life right now, PLEASE keep going. It will get better.
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