I have lofty goals. I always have, even when I’ve been unmotivated and lazy. Those times don’t really help me get anywhere, but the goals are still there, resting in the back of my mind.

As you’re probably aware by now, I am in the midst of writing a 9 book series; a trilogy of trilogies. The first one has been out for nearly a year, while the second has been in the final phases of editing for a while now. The third and fourth are partially written, and the rest are outlined and fleshed out in my head.
However, I’ve stalled. I really haven’t done much in months to move this project along. Some of it has been due to some client work I took on, while some of it has been pushed aside to spend time with family and friends and do some traveling.
But, if I’m being honest, I just haven’t been following through on my commitment to myself. Some might call this writer’s block. Perhaps that’s true, a little bit. If I’m honoring myself and being honest though, it’s just plain slacking.

I want to finish the series. I have no idea how much time I have left in this lifetime, and I’d love to complete the series for those who are invested in it. Plus, it just feels good to complete projects.
However, there are days where I barely function. There are days where I am burdened by the client work I’ve taken on. And I tend to take those commitments more seriously than I do the ones I make to myself. How backwards is that? I’ll push through anything to help those I love or honor a commitment to someone else, yet I leave myself hanging.
Perhaps that’s some self-worth issues. I have come a long way from the insecure, fragile woman I was twenty, or even ten, years ago. However, I still have some work to do. The alternative is that I’m just plain lazy. But that would contradict my follow through when it comes to pushing others’ businesses and plans forward.

A large part of me sharing is because of the promise I made to myself (and you) that I would be completely honest here. Another part is for accountability. To myself. To you. To my family and friends.
If I don’t care enough about my goals to make them happen, who will? So, I am committing to setting aside some time to work on my goals again. If I don’t get past this first part, I won’t be able to move on to the part where I can help countless others.
With that being said, do you have a goal or dream that is attainable but you just haven’t been taking the steps to make it happen? If so, join me in committing to ourselves, our goals, and our dreams. Let’s take one step every day, even if it’s a baby step, to make it happen. If every day is too much, how about fifteen minutes a week? Is there SOMETHING you can do today to get you one step closer?
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