The Murder Mindset Series is comprised of a trilogy of trilogies. The first book to be released is The Rideshare Chronicles: Volume I. This trilogy features Scott Benson. Consider this a formal introduction.
Meet Scott. He’s an average Rideshare driver in Las Vegas. He’s there when he’s needed. He helps people get to where they need to be. But, he’s hiding something.
Scott, a forty-something single father, makes make ends meet by moonlighting as a driver. He records his experiences in his journal. He is struggling to maintain normalcy while he begins to crumble underneath the surface.
Scott’s story unfolds in three volumes. His journal shows how his Rideshare experiences add entertainment, joy, confusion, and ultimately darkness to his life. This darkness unleashed something that will wreak havoc in Scott’s life and will affect all those around him profoundly.
Are you ready to get better acquainted with him? Or do you just want to hear about his crazy Vegas rides? I can’t wait to share a secret with you once you get to know him a little bit for yourself!
The idea for Scott was formed when I was actually driving around the city of Las Vegas, as a rideshare driver. I was talking to a friend of mine, also a driver, and started going over some scenarios that had crept into the darkest and most distant corners of my mind.
Throughout a few more conversations, and plenty of thoughts about Scott, he was officially born on paper. Yes, paper. I actually started writing this book in a notebook. Every time I wanted to change something or switch the timeline of something, I scribbled lines through it, drew arrows, then just rewrote the entire thing.
After about five notebooks, I decided to go ahead and type it out instead. I found that it truly did make it easier to tweak, edit, and keep up with the changes. I still have to physically write things out at times. There’s just something nostalgic and special about putting a pen to paper.
I had certain ideas about Scott in the beginning that I had to let go of to let his story come to life. He holds a special place in my heart, even though I must admit I don’t necessarily agree with everything he thinks, does, or says. You’ll see.
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