One of the most challenging parts of writing this series, for me, is focusing on one story line at a time so I can get the rest of the books out! It’s not the attention to the details that distract me, really. It’s quite the opposite.
As I think about one of the storylines, letting the characters guide the way, I drift into one of the other characters and get ideas for their story. That bouncing is great to form a bigger picture than I could have imagined in the beginning, but it’s not as great for getting everything completed. I keep coming up with new ideas and tweaking what I’m doing, instead of finishing it.
As of right now, the first book is available and has been purchased and read by way more people than I thought would ever happen. The second book is in the final editing phase. The third book is nearly ready for the first round of editing. The fourth is outlined. The fifth is half-written, and the remaining four are also outlined.
I’m not sure if it’s really helpful or not, but my inner nerd has decided that I need a spreadsheet with all of the chapters, characters, interactions, details, etc. to cross-reference everything and make sure I don’t mess up anywhere. (Have I shared that I absolutely love spreadsheets?)
I haven’t decided if it’s a stall tactic or if I really need it. Truth be told, I re-read the first novel of my own that I started so very long ago. I was interested in the story and wanted more (even though it’s been finished in my head for nearly twenty years).
However, I was severely annoyed because one of the supporting characters’ names changed three times. Then changed back again. That is not okay! I was so embarrassed. Thankfully, no one ever read that manuscript. But that begs to solidify the necessity of a spreadsheet.
I can tweak it all and make it consistent. (Yes, that story is going in the Murder Mystery Series!) That doesn’t mean pour over every letter with a fine-toothed comb to find mistakes! (I would take that as a challenge.)
Honestly, I was so elated to reach the goal/dream of being a published author that I have let way too much time go by without completing this project. I have all of the self-doubt about people not liking my work or judging me harshly for some of the controversial scenes, but it’s time to get back on it.
I mean, besides writing, I have accidentally become a speaker (more on that later) and am working toward building revenue streams that will allow me to continue to travel and enjoy my life the way I have been. Oh, and to pay my bills…and set me up to accomplish other big goals. I mean, if I shared more you’d think I’m absolutely nuts (if you didn’t think that already).
My goal is to have The Rideshare Chronicles: Volume II out this summer. Would you like a sneak peek at the cover? Here it is! What do you think?
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