Attention men: Please don’t inbox me telling me stories about how you’re single and want to take me out when at least a part of that statement is not true. This is a fair warning that going forward, it will cost to be a boss.
Social media has opened up our worlds to stay in contact with friends, family, and associates all over the world, as well as meet new people. We all have a platform to share our opinions and find like-minded people, either professionally or casually. Of course you can also find drama, if that’s your thing.
It has also made it easier for people to approach potential partners even easier than before. The risk of rejection isn’t typically as severe since it’s not face-to-face so a lot of people have found a new level of confidence.
Plus, the sheer math of it. Percentage wise, you’re going to get at least one yes for every 100 “no’s.” Therefore, the more you approach, the more you get to play with. (At least it was explained to me that way by one of my guy friends.)
With all of that being said, it’s also extremely easy to get caught up. Let me share a little story that I recently took part in.
In December I had a man slide into my DMs. His third question was, “Are you single?”
I said yes, and asked the same question. He said yes. Upon quickly thinking about things, I followed up with a more direct question. “Is there anyone out there who thinks they are with you?”
He LOL’d my question and said no, he’s completely single.
We missed a couple of chances to link up due to some strange communication. I was losing interest (that wasn’t even really there in the first place), and losing interest fast.
I hadn’t even seen a photo of the man, as his profile picture was coffee beans or something. Let me just tell you that I acknowledge and embrace that I am shallow. I was trying to get out of my comfort zone by getting to know someone despite not knowing what he looked like.
He asked me if we could exchange pictures. I sent a photo similar to something I would share on social media anyway. He sent me a picture. I was definitely not feeling him, but again decided to get out of my comfort zone and still try to meet up for a drink. Honestly, it just wasn’t flattering at all and wasn’t the kind of first impression I’d ever want to make. But, I digress.
I was still trying to meet up with him. I don’t even remember what happened next, but I was over it. I sent him a message to let him know that it just wasn’t going to work for me at that time. He continued to leave comments on my social media posts and DM me asking how I was every so often.
A couple of weeks ago I was having dinner with a friend when I noticed he commented on the post I made while we were out. I told her the story…and as I was about twenty seconds in she said, “But he’s married.” We laughed. She replied to his comment mentioning his wife’s name.
He immediately deleted his comment and inboxed my friend stating he was merely commenting on my photo. We laughed hysterically, because they were married in 2014, yet in December of 2020 he told me that there wasn’t anyone who thought they were in a relationship with him.
When I shared this with a male friend of mine he said he’s glad he’s not a woman because he would extort these men. So, it made me think.
Fair warning: from here on out, if you slide into my DM’s trying to start something with me, be up front. First off, I’ll respect you a lot more for it. Second, when I find out you have a wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, or whatever other significant other, I will require a non-refundable fee to not send all of that info to your significant other. Y’all are making this too easy.
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