It took me more than a couple of decades to realize that my ability to write, while quite natural to me, is not so easy for everyone else. That it really is one of my gifts. I’m honest enough with myself at this point to realize that I’m not the best writer in the world, but I’m finally able to appreciate this gift and call it what it is.
I also know that I get it from my mama. She has always written, as well. I used to go through her old notebooks filled with poetry and short stories when I was younger. I had my own books filled with my own words, as well.
She shared some things her father told her when she was younger that made her believe her writing was trash, so she kept it hidden all those years. I find that to be incredibly sad, and it makes me appreciate her support and encouragement even more.
Don’t get me wrong, some of my stories from my younger years make me cringe with embarrassment, but that’s a part of growth. (I think.)
At this point, I have actually forgotten several writing accomplishments I’ve had, just because they didn’t seem like much or the memories have faded with time. I had some of my poetry published before I completed high school.
I was paid as a freelance writer for more than twenty years, with various articles I’ve written being featured in some well-known magazines and websites. I’ve ghostwritten several pieces, including full-length novels. And of course, now, I have published my own full-length novel.
That brings me to some pretty exciting news. I recently signed a new publishing deal to be featured in a multi-author book with 50 other amazing women who are uniting to make a difference in the world.
This book isn’t fiction, but a collection of experiences and messages from women all over the world who want to touch the lives of others. Even more exciting for me, is that my mother is one of the other authors!
It’s a dream come true to be a published author. It’s even more exciting to share this stage with my mom, and watch her shed some of her old limiting beliefs that were planted by the very person who was supposed to uplift and encourage her.
The book is the fifth installment of Voices of the 21st Century: Conscious, Caring Women Who Make a Difference. It will be released on February 22nd, 2022! (You’ll definitely hear more about this as it gets closer.)
My message in the book stems from something that’s been on my heart that I have shared here with y’all. I shared my viewpoint on how women treat each other, and where I think it stems from. My word count was limited, but I really hope I was able to convey my message in a way that it might make a difference, at least for one woman out there.
I truly do believe that we are all connected, and by inspiring or encouraging one person, you actually reach several more. The older I get, the more my priorities, thoughts, and focus change. I realize that I’d like my short journey here on this earth to make a difference and leave a positive impact on any and everyone that I’ve come into contact with.
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