I love to write. Stories, inspirational stuff, informative, etc. I have been blessed enough to be gifted enough to actually earn a living doing something I enjoy. Of course I enjoy some writing far more than others, but it’s the arrangement of words that make them work the way I want to, manipulation even, that contains something magical.

When I’m able to construct words in a way to possibly leave a positive impact on this world, it’s even better. I was able to do just that a couple of months ago. Actually, the process took about a year in the making, however it all came to fruition on 2.22.22.
That was the day a particular book was released. Voices of the 21st Century: Conscious, caring women who make a difference
My words can be found starting on page 57 of the physical book. My mother also shared some of her journey in this same amazing collection. More than 50 women from around the world collaborated to make this masterpiece come to life. In fact, my chapter is about women collaborating instead of competing.
This book is special to me for a variety of reasons. It’s my first published piece in the non-fiction genre (in my own name). It actually has a message that can impact so many women, and therefore the world. To be a small part of something so grand is beyond satisfying and special.

As I’ve shared, my mother is a part of this collaboration as well. My mother is a talented writer who has overcome some incredible obstacles, including a parent telling her that her writing was garbage, crushing her little soul early in life so that it took decades to rebuild her confidence and the courage to share her writing with others again.
This book is also responsible for making me an international bestselling author. Those words still give me the chills. That is a lifelong dream. (Part of that dream is to see my name on a couple of particular bestselling lists, but one thing at a time.)
This book was listed as an Amazon “HOT NEW RELEASE” and reached number 1 in the “Women and business” and “Women biographies and memoirs” categories in multiple countries. There may have been other categories, but I have screenshots of those ones coming up.
Reaching such an amazing goal and dream is indescribable. It also reiterates that my natural gifts and talents are just that, and it’s okay to share them in this way. In fact, it’s a calling. I do believe that we all come equipped with different talents and gifts so that we can share with each other and make our own contributions to the betterment of humanity.

It’s also okay to use these gifts to earn income in a way that allows me to live happily and freely and share some of my other gifts with the world.
They say to speak things out loud to speak them into existence. So, I’m going to share another dream/goal of mine that I’m working towards. Step one is releasing books (in my own name) and using my writing to earn a living. Step two is to invest and build revenue streams to support my lifestyle and build step three. Step three is to open a school for at-risk youth that is far different than the way our current education system is set up. There are layers to my plan, but those are the basics.
My success is not mine alone. It has come at the cost of every hardship I have endured, every childhood trauma passed on to me by my parents and others around me, the friends and family that have come and went throughout my lifetime, and the choices that I make each day. The success and joy I celebrate each day at this point in my life is mine to share and give back.

When you see me enjoying the fruits of my labor and celebrating these things, please know I’m doing so because I have earned them, but also because I desire to inspire those around me to make choices for themselves that celebrate them and where they want to be.
I told my kids that they get to define their own success. Whatever that may look like to them. My hope and wish for them is genuine happiness. Find something you enjoy doing that earns enough money to support the lifestyle you desire to live, and share your gifts with the world.
My wish for you is the same. If you don’t have peace and happiness in your heart right now, may you find it. And may it be even greater and sweeter than you ever imagined.
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