One of my absolute favorite experiences of this entire process so far was shooting a little commercial (or trailer) for the first book. I didn’t take the route that I see many author’s take, which is a professional editor putting together a few graphics and comments about the book.
Instead, I chose to enlist some help and recreate one of the chapters from the book, just as a little teaser of what you can expect. It’s not professionally done, by any means, but that was on purpose.
I wanted the audience to get a real feel for what it’s like in one of these rides. I’m sure by now you’ve seen clips from real rideshare drivers when something goes wrong in a ride. Driving in Vegas has given me tons of inspiration for this series.
While most of the rides are inspired by real life events, the story itself is a complete figment of my imagination. I can’t wait to see if you can tell which rides were inspired by real life or not.
I was able to get a few close friends and one of my sons to agree to help me with my project. One friend loaned me his cameras, another set them up for me in my car, another acted as the main character/driver, and another friend acted as an incredibly interesting passenger. My youngest son was the other passenger.
I got to follow behind the car with a live view on my phone from the cameras and talk to my friend who was driving on another phone. Hearing and seeing the action take place live had me laughing so hard I was nearly in tears.
Some of their facial expressions, their ad libs, forgetting lines, and outright bloopers made it super satisfying and hilarious to me. I truly hope you find it as funny as I did.
I really do have to take the time out to thank everyone for their assistance. It feels amazing to be surrounded by a few people who are excited to see this project come together for me, as well as generously donating their time and expertise to help me see it come to light. Thank you all and I love you all, with all of my heart.
This process was completely new to me. I’ve never put together a storyboard, script, solicited actors, or any of it. I have learned so much through this project. What you see as only a few minutes took a few hours to put together.
I have no editing experience, as my creative talent comes in the form of writing. I have visions in my head, but don’t know how to get them out. Again, I am beyond appreciative for those who helped me make this a reality – Michael, Melivn Lamont, Tristana, Pee-Larr, and everyone else who had a hand in this creation.
I hope when you watch the clip, you laugh and want to know more about Scott’s adventures. He really takes you behind the scenes of rideshare driving in this book, although you get a lot more. It’s also about his life, his struggles, and his flaws.
Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll see Scott’s experiences show up on a big screen? A writer can dream, right?
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