It’s been over a year since I publicly announced my service-based business, Embody Your Element. And man, what a wild ride it’s been!
When I was trained and certified in the elements typing system I didn’t think I’d be doing this the way that I am now. Truth be told, I did the training so that I could type my family and friends (and stop paying for them to get typed), while adding an extra skill to th e tool belt so to speak.
After publicly presenting my business to some well-known and established entrepreneurs, I received feedback that altered everything. When I shared what I do, how it changed my life, and how it changed those around me, others felt safe to share things with me. And they told me how they felt seen by what I shared with them.
That was nearly enough for me to know that this was a way I could make an impact in the world around me. I say this often, but it’s true. I believe that YOU are a masterpiece. And that you deserve to be framed (clothed) as such.
More than just the clothes and colors we wear, this process gets deep. It allows you to actually reconnect with yourself on a soul-level. To step into who you were born to be, unapologetically. And when you show up as your truest self, you create a safe space for others to do the same.
It’s truly magical to hold the mirror for others to see themselves as they are, and to recognize the beauty that they possess. In addition, it’s fascinating to watch you embody your element and grow your business because of it.
My income more than doubled in six months after I was typed. One of my clients earned four times more after being typed. Could you imagine multiplying your income by four times by simply wearing new colors?
Not to mention learning how to show up wearing colors, styles, and clothes that align with you, your comfort, and your message. Confidence is sexy! It’s truly appealing. Not only that, but when you are comfortable and confident your clients and potential clients see that. It gives them more confidence in you and what you offer!
Last month I got to go back to that same event. I am honored and amazed that I get to do this for a living. I meet some amazing people who are doing tremendous things in this world. My contribution to those people, people like you, is that they get to know themselves and present themselves so that they can make a great impact (and earn even more money).
Looking back over the past year, I am amazed. With the clarity that has come my way. With the growth in myself – mentally, emotionally, and in every other way. And of course with the life I’m living. If I can experience that much change in a year, I can only imagine what the upcoming year has in store for me and everyone around me! (You can have this too!)
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