I have this theory, motto, or whatever you want to call it. You may have seen me write about it before. I don’t think we are supposed to chase anything. I mean ANYTHING. Not money, dreams, people, love, jobs, etc.
I don’t mean just sit on your ass and DO nothing, either. But instead of chasing, which leaves the proverbial horse chasing the carrot scenario, CREATE it! Get clear on what it is that you want, and create that life. Live it.
Seriously, if you aren’t taking steps every day to actively move you in that direction, what are you doing? Maybe I’m just getting older and seeing things differently because I see my mortality ticking away second by second. But I don’t think it’s really that.
I do have a newfound appreciation and respect for every day I get to breathe the air on this earth and experience this life. I also realize how incredibly short it is in the big scheme of things, even if you live to be over 100.
I have been blessed to experience over forty years so far, and hope for many more. But whenever it’s my time, those closest to me will tell you that I was happy. That I was free. That I was experiencing and living my dreams.
Don’t get me wrong, I mess up, I have meltdowns, I experience pain, sadness, anger and all of the other less sought after parts of life. But I also realize those very things let me recognize and enjoy the pleasures, joy, peace, sensuality, and glee that this life offers.
It took me years to accept that it was okay to be great at the things I’m great at and not think I was being conceited because I recognized my gifts. For example, I have the gift of writing. I’m not the best writer out there, but it comes naturally to me and I can create stories and string words together fairly effortlessly. I joke that word play is my superpower.
That doesn’t mean that everyone loves everything (or even anything) that I write. Hell, they may hate it! And that’s okay. Either way, I know that this is a gift I have and that I’m supposed to share it with whoever it helps, inspires, entertains, or whatever else.
I continue to work on my shortcomings and faults daily. Some days I struggle dearly. Some days I wonder what’s “wrong” with me. But most days, I live and take steps to create my dreams. Yes, I said I live. We don’t all live.
To quote Drake, “Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.” (Though I’m pretty sure I heard that in a Lil Wayne song, I can’t find which one it was.)
Many of us merely exist. I did…for years. In my opinion there is a difference between existing and living. I explained that to my kids nearly ten years ago when I started riding motorcycles. I shared that riding is definitely exposing me to the risk of dying younger and sooner, especially in this city.
My oldest said it sounded like I wanted to die. I told him not at all. I wanted to LIVE. I wanted to experience the things that bring me great joy as often as possible. I also wanted to teach my kids to try the things they want to try, and not to let fear get in the way of that.
For me, riding for ten years and doing the things I enjoy and trying the things I want to try is worth way more than living for forty years going to a job I don’t care for, then sitting at home. I explained that I believe when it’s our time, it’s our time. I could be laying in my bed and a plane could crash into my house, even if I lived extremely cautiously in every area of my life.
Therefore, I do what makes me feel completely electrifyingly ALIVE. I encourage them to do the same. Don’t let the fear of dying stop you from doing what you want to do (as long as it won’t hurt other people).
I don’t want to die with regrets. So, when opportunities present themselves for me to try new things, explore, or do the things I enjoy, I take those opportunities. I also consciously move in the direction that is helping me get one step closer to my dreams and goals. I hope the same for you.
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